Funny Short Stories

The Little Red Hen Story – An Engaging Tale

This is a funny short story for kids. Once upon a time, a little red hen lived on a farm. She was friends with a lazy dog, a sleepy cat, and a noisy yellow duck. One day, the little red hen found some seeds on the ground, and she had an idea. “I should plant the seeds,” she thought. So, the little red hen asked her friends, “Who will help me plant the seeds?” “Not I!” barked the lazy dog. “Not me!” purred the sleepy cat. “Not me!” quacked the noisy duck. “Then I will!” said the little red hen. So off she went to plant the seeds all by herself.

When the seeds were grown, the little red hen asked her friends, “Who will help me cut the wheat?” “Not I!” barked the lazy dog. “Not me!” purred the sleepy cat. “Not me!” quacked the noisy duck. “Then I will!” said the little red hen. So off she went to cut the wheat all by herself.

the little red hen

a funny short story Image Source–>

After the wheat was all removed, the little red hen was able to ask her companions, “Who will help me take the wheat to the mill to be ground into flour?” “Not me!” shouted the lazy dog. “Not I!” purred the sleeping cat. “Not me!” quacked the loud duck. “Then I will!” said the little red hen. Then the little red hen brought the wheat to the mill by herself, then ground the grain into flour and carried the large grain to her farm.


The exhausted little red hen then asked her companions, “Who will help me bake the bread?” “Not I!” barked the lazy dog. “Not I!” purred the sleeping cat. “Not me!” quacked the loud duck. “Then I will!” said the little red hen. Then she made the bread by herself.

Read Short Stories With A Moral

When the bread was done with a delicious aroma and was hot, the tired little red hen asked her companions, “Who will help me eat the bread?” “I will!” barked the lazy dog. “I will!” purred the sleeping cat. “I will!” quacked the loud duck. “Then I will!” said the little red hen. “You didn’t want to help me with any of the work, so now you won’t eat the bread!” said the little red hen. Therefore, the little red hen consumed the bread by herself. Her chicks ate some too.

This is a visual representation of a hilarious short story that kids can enjoy, “The Little Red Hen.” Watch the video below.

  A funny short story Video

What is the lesson of the little red hen?

The lesson taught you the tale of the Little Red Hen, a fairytale that teaches the importance of working hard and helping others.

Who is the author of The Little Red Hen?

The Little Red Hen is the title of a book published in 2006 written by Jerry Pinkney about the famous folk tale about a chicken and other animals unable to assist her in cultivating and harvesting wheat, which is then used for baking bread.

What genre is the little red hen?

The traditional tale of folklore, Little Red Hen, was a tool for motivation used by Bullock. The tale offers a lesson about our results from what we plant. If the hen asks the cat, duck, and dog to help plant some wheat, she receives no responses. They don’t cut, thresh, and mill wheat or help bake bread using it, for instance.

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