Short Stories

I hate kids!

No doubt, I hate kids!

I hate them because they are younger than me. And I can not with that!

Besides, there are too many kids! And they make a lot of noise having fun!

When they ask you to tell them a story…… they believe everything I say!

They learn incredibly difficult things quickly.

On top of that, they have time to do nothing … … but foolishness.

But when I slap them, they cry and I get very sad.

And they sleep too well. Or they have ridiculous fears.

I also hate them because they are almost never sick. But when they get seriously sick, they become the center of the world.

With me, it’s not like that!

I hate the kids; See things I no longer see!

I especially hate those who suckle…

and those who become like mothers too soon.

On top of all this, kids love animals.

And when they like each other very much? So, goodbye discretion!

I hate kids because I can’t forget them…

But when we see one, we forget what is old. And I can’t stand it!

When they sing together, it is so beautiful that I even cry. And I hate to look like a crying kid.

How I hate their frankness!

And as if it didn’t, they say, they draw better than me.

The bottom line: I hate kids …

because even if I tell them I hate them, they like me even more! Pef Moi, I’m a hordeur of gosses! Paris, Albin Michel Jeunesse, 1998 (Translation and adaptation)

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