Hapless Prince Short Story – Engaging Tale for Kids

Enjoy the Hapless Prince Short Story, a captivating tale for kids. Follow the adventures of the hapless prince in this delightful narrative.

There once was a prince. Like all princes, he lived in a palace in the middle of a huge park. His name was Henry.

Henry was a very spoiled prince. Anything she wanted was given to him. Nevertheless, he was not happy. Never laughed or cried.

The king and queen were preoccupied with it.

What do you lack?

Henry responded:

I have all the toys in the world, but what I lack is a balloon.

If that’s all,” the king and the queen said. And the prince offered a balloon, seriously.

Henry spent the entire day with the balloon. I filled it with hot air and strolled over the palace like a bird.

But I did not laugh or cry. Everything went on as before. The king and the queen were worried.

What do you lack?

I have all the toys in the world and have a balloon, seriously. What is still missing is a lion in a cage.

If that’s all… – answered the king and the queen. And he offered the prince a lion in a cage.

Henry spent the entire day with the lion. I tried to teach him with a stick and gave him meat through the bars.

But I never laughed or cried once. Everything went on as before. The king and the queen were worried.

But what do you have?

Henry responded:

I have all the toys of the world, a balloon, and a lion in a cage. What is still missing is a battalion of soldiers.

If that’s all… – answered the king and the queen. And the little prince offered a battalion of soldiers. For a whole day, Henry made ​​war exercises, marched, rode forward and backward with the soldiers.

But I never laughed or cried. Everything went on as before.

One day, the prince met a boy. He was the son of the palace gardener. He was sitting at the doorstep and playing with a bunny. She had nestled in his arms, made ​​him parties and gave him carrots.

The prince watched them and thought,

“I have all the toys of the world, a balloon, a lion in a cage, and a battalion of soldiers. What I lack is a rabbit snuggle in my arms and that I can throw parties and give carrots. “

Give me your rabbit,” Henry said to the boy.

“No, replied he. I cannot give you the rabbit.

The little prince returned to the palace and told the king and queen:

I have all the toys of the world, an air balloon, a lion in a cage, and a battalion of soldiers. What is still missing is a rabbit. You may like The Eagle and the Fox

If that’s all… – answered the king and the queen. And given the gift of a rabbit prince.

The prince spent all day with the rabbit. She walked with him in her arms, made ​​him party and gave him to eat carrots. But neither laughed nor wept. Everything went on as before.

“What I lack,” he thought, “is not a rabbit at all. Is bunny gardener’s son?”

She crossed the park to run and told the gardener’s son:

Give me your rabbit. I give you all my toys.

No, you said, the little boy.

Give me your rabbit,” again asked the prince. I give you all my toys, including a hot air balloon and a lion in a cage.

“No, replied the boy.

Give me your rabbit,” asked the prince for the last time. – I give you all my toys, plus an air balloon, a lion in a cage, and even a battalion of soldiers.

“No, replied the boy.

So Henry was sad and, for the first time, began to cry.

The gardener’s son got scared and told him:

I cannot give you the rabbit because I like him, but we both play with him.

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