
They named the puppy “Taxi”. With so many names available, they soon chose this one! But he didn’t care.

“Taxi,” they called.

And he would come, giving his tail, always happy.

But they were the poor owners. They liked to play with the puppy, because they did, but when they saw him grow into a big dog they said:

– The Taxi is just getting in the way. We can’t keep him at home.

They abandoned him. There are people like that without a heart.

The Taxi found itself in the middle of a busy street and was disoriented.

He sniffed the air and couldn’t find his way home. It was not even worth it.

We assume the Taxi suspected they no longer wanted it. He had to conform. It was going to be a stray dog, a stray dog, a Taxi without owner or passenger.

“Taxi,” they called close.

He answered the call.

“Get out of here, dog,” a lady shooed him, who was about to take a cab.

“Taxi,” they called later.

The dog did not wait, but a bundled gentleman who was about to get into a cab kicked him.

He did not understand. They called him and then rejected him. Weird people.

From disappointment to disappointment, he went to a taxi rank. Mere chance. A driver, who was waiting for a customer, shared with him a cheese sleeve.

– What is your name? Asked the driver for asking.

If only he could answer… Anyway, perhaps by affinity, he let himself stay. The drivers were amused by the cheerful rush with which he would get up from his hindquarters when someone asked for a cab.

“This is ours,” they said.

And they adopted him. It was still a free taxi, unowned, but protected by a number of friends.

After all, the name Taxi had always earned him something. António Toasted

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